Children’s Literature and European Avant-Garde (Linköping University)

At the end of September I will be at Linköping University (Norrköping) participating in Children’s Literature and European Avant-Garde Conference.

I´ll be there with a poster entitled «The World as a Bazaar and a Kindergarten. Children’s Literature and Spanish Avant-Garde».

Report on the conference.

Modern & Contemporary American Poetry

I start this Monday my first Coursera course: Modern & Contemporary American Poetry.

It will be interesting to see the differences between moocs and free online courses.

In addition, i feel excited about rethinking the poetry by Emily Dickinson, William Carlos Williams, Richard Wilbur, Frank O´Hara or the poets in Harlem Renaissance, just to say.

Poemas escritos a lápiz (2012)

Acaba de salir en Los Papeles del Sitio un nuevo cuaderno de poemas: Poemas escritos a lápiz (2012) en una edición limitada y numerada no venal. La cubierta (y toda la maquetación) es obra de A.F. (fantástica).

Hay algunos ejemplares a la venta por 18€ (gastos de envío incluídos) en

Estos poemas formarán parte de un nuevo libro: Las leyes de la herencia, que recogerá una selección revisada y corregida de la poesía que he escrito en los últimos años.

En 2013 espero publicar un libro nuevo.


  • José Cereijo: «Emilio Quintana a lápiz». otroLunes. 7.10.2013
  • North and South Geographical and Cultural Perspectives on European Modernity (Umeå University, 2012)

    La semana que viene estaré participando en el Simposio North and South Geographical and Cultural Perspectives on European Modernity (Umeå University, Sweden).

    El título de mi charla es «From Rubén Darío to Acid House Kings. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Spanish-Swedish Cultural Imaginary», y se basa en los materiales que estoy analizando en el blog Xenografías hispano-suecas.

    Educational Affairs

    I ´ll be working from now with Educational Affairs, a fully non-profit and non-partisan scholarly debate group, created for the purpose of engaging citizens, educators, scholars and experts around the world in a dialogue intended to propose ideas on global education.

    We believe that education in the 21st century requires an international perspective, directing education to the full development of every human individual while respecting fundamental freedoms.